Living as I Dance
Where I’m From
Where I’m From

Where I’m From

A multi-hued island with sparkling, warm blue sea that remains in my memory when everything else has faded.

My ancestors roamed a huge ‘dark’ continent,  drumming powerful, hypnotic rhythms.  These have come down through the generations in my family.   Powerful, hypnotic echoes still pulsate through my muscles when stimulated by the drum.

I’ve come from my world of fantasy; an escape into myth and fable, romance and daring-do. There were films where I danced with Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.  These stars of the screen were perfect friends. I could meet them whenever I wished to and they asked for nothing from me.

Long-time dweller in the deepest, darkest caverns of depression down to which I’d spiraled. No seeming way out. 

Living in a world of solitude, isolation: the outsider.  Member of a race shunned and reviled in the land to which I’d come as a child.

A survivor, I found ways through the darkness, seeking glimmers of light and very slowly creating my own path. I met a Buddha on the way.  I didn’t kill him but slowly absorbed him and fed on his insights, making them my own.  They are serving me well.

Child of the universe; from the mysterious unknown to which I’ll be returning, however much I may fear this unknown country.

Tuesday 5 May 2020.